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Long Lake Gold Project

The Long Lake property covers 3417 hectares (34 sq. km). Quadro has a 100% interest in this property. The property is located within an under-explored belt of mineralized volcano-sedimentary and intrusive rocks. Highlights from the property includes two areas of strong gold in soil and tills. The property provides an opportunity for new gold discoveries in the emerging Cape Ray Gold district and is complimentary to Quadro’s Staghorn project located 35 km southwest.
Previous work on the property dates back to 2005 when soil sampling outlined a number of gold anomalies. The historic geochemical survey was part of an on-going volcanogenic massive sulphide (base metal) program which kept the ground tied up until recently. No follow-up was carried out during that time and the area came open for staking in early 2019. The claims were staked by the underlying vendors who took two till samples in the area of the higher gold-in soil anomaly.
Quadro’s drilling to date:
- Jul-Oct 2021 – Discovery of a new gold zone intersected from the inaugural exploration drill program at its Long Lake property, located in Central Newfoundland. The drill program consisted of five holes (757 meters) designed to test the Ricky Gold Target. Intersections included 3.68 g/t Au over 5.4 m from hole R-021-01on the eastern end of the target and 31.7 g/t Au over 0.5 m from hole R-021-04 located 500m to the west.
QA/QC – Quadro has implemented a quality control program on its drill programs at the Long Lake project to ensure best practice in sampling and analysis. Quadro maintains strict quality assurance/quality control protocols including the systematic insertion of certified standard reference and blank materials into each sample batch. Analyses were performed by Actlabs of Ancaster, ON and Eastern Analytical of Springdale, NL with ISO 17025 accreditation. All samples were assayed using industry-standard assay techniques for gold. Gold was analyzed by a standard 30 gram fire assay with an AA finish.